Author: admin
Date: 5-07-2018, 19:59
Views: 28 251

The installation of a fire extinguisher capsule in the elevator engine room is indispensable at a convenient and accessible location.
In the engine room, elevators with concrete hollow ceiling above the floor of the engine room are required to create an emergency valve with a useful dimension of at least 0.5 * 0.5 m.
This valve should have a lock open from the engine room with a key and can be opened from the elevator without a key.
Creating a hook on the ceiling of the engine room at the location perpendicular to the center of the concrete roof of the well. The elevator between the two cavities of the tow tower is "with a diameter of at least 18 mm Ø", so that it can withstand the weight of 2000 kg.
In the engine rooms where the way to enter it through the sluice of the engine room of the elevator should be at a time when the valve is open the predictions necessary to prevent the fall of people or objects and therefore install fences at a height of at least 0.8 m around Valve is essential.
The engine room must be ventilated and can protect the motorbike, control panel and other supplies as well as the electric keys in order to protect against harmful dust and soot and moisture.
The remaining air of other parts should not be pulled into the engine room. The engine room must be kept between + 5 ° C and + 40 ° C.
The elevator engine room should be equipped with permanent electrical lighting and at least can provide 200 lux to the floor of the luminaire.
Installing the light switching lens at the entrance and near the point or points of access and at the appropriate height.
To ventilate the engine room, install a ventilator with a capacity of at least 250 CFM.
All wires and cables connected to the elevator equipment that pass through the floor of the engine room must be placed in a channel inside the concrete ceiling, with a minimum depth of 5 cm and a minimum width of 8 cm.
In order to cross the wiring and cables of the lift equipment on the floor of the engine room, the slab should be at least 5 cm deep and the width of at least 8 cm inside the concrete ceiling, based on the type of installation of the motorbike and the governor, and the steering column, under the supervision of the installer of the lift. So that after covering on the floor groove of the machine floor.
In elevators, which are dubbed in a common well, they have to create a valve on the floor of the "Trap door" engine room with a useful dimension of at least 0.8 x 0.8 meters to move and carry the lifting equipment.
When the installation and installation of the elevator is performed by the installer and according to the last standard method and the standard instructions are completed, the maintenance of the maintenance and service after the installation of the lift begins. The role of the elevator technician, as well as the repairer and repairer, is very highlighted during the operation of the lift. In the future, the role of technicians and installers and service groups is to consider lift maintenance in improving the efficiency of the lift.

How to choose and hire these people by vendor and installer and elevator services is especially important. These companies are usually looking for people who have the great potential and experience in the installation and repair of elevators.

(In the past few years, the leading companies such as Iran Shindler Company and ............. have played a major role in the development and training of lift installers, and according to ongoing training programs and specialized training courses both inside and outside the country In the design and calculation section, the installation and control of the project, and ..... have always updated their personnel in education and training (today this responsibility lies with the administrators and educators of the academic education of this industry.)